Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.302 In reply to 9581.299 

Your Curves2/ConnectPoints node is very similar to Wayne's Points2/PtsInRange.
Indeed the output is identical with a "Max Links" setting of 4 or greater & "DistRange" minimum of 0. See below

The facility to generate lines within a range could be added with a dropdown selection as shown above so on "DistRange (min, max)" the "Distance" input would read 2 comma separated numbers.

Perhaps a better, more logical alternative would be to have instead 2 distance inputs: "distMin" & "distMax" with defaults of 0 & 1 respectively. In that way it would operate exactly as it does presently if no connection is made to "distMin" input.


PS I have replied here, in this thread, because the thread " things about MOI3D that you learn by teaching it." seems a peculiar location for submitting new node contributions. In the interest of accessibility of new nodes to latecomers & infrequent visitor to the forum, we should probably avoid scattering new node submissions across various different threads. This thread & "Nodebundle for playing with nodes" are the 2 established repositories of NE's expanding library of new nodes

EDITED: 1 Apr 2023 by JFH
