Node Wish List

 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.300 In reply to 9581.299 
Hi Mo,

It is located about line 3891 in the original source code. No real need to comment it out, but good practice to eliminate duplicates.

Here is another modification to try out:

On the Node Editor:

To have the Save function use the current file as the save file instead of typing it in everytime:

On the 'editor.js' file location:

Editor.prototype.onSaveButton = function ()
	if (this.graph.blocked) return;
	var saveFilePath = moi.filesystem.getSaveFileName( lang.getTranslation('Save as')+' ..',  lang.getTranslation('MoI Nodeeditor files')+' (*.nod)|*.nod' );
	if ( !saveFilePath ) return false;
	if ( this.graph.status !== LGraph.STATUS_STOPPED ) this.onPlayButton();
	var file = moi.filesystem.openFileStream( saveFilePath, 'w' );
	file.writeLine(LiteGraph.JSONprettify(this.graph.serialize(), {"indent":"	", 'maxLength':150}));
	this.graph.filename = saveFilePath;

Change the second line:

	var saveFilePath = moi.filesystem.getSaveFileName( lang.getTranslation('Save as')+' ..',  lang.getTranslation('MoI Nodeeditor files')+' (*.nod)|*.nod' );



Editor.prototype.onSaveButton = function () {
  // wjh 4-19-2022
	var saveFilePath = moi.filesystem.getSaveFileName(lang.getTranslation('Save as') + '..', lang.getTranslation('MoI Nodeeditor files') + ' (*.nod)|*.nod',lang.getTranslation(this.graph.filename));