Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.284 In reply to 9581.283 
This is what I have so far on my alpha version of L-System for the Node Editor

It is looking great...very exciting.
I see that you are closely following the approach of, including its input values of width & height. I purposely excluded these from my node proposal because the consequent distortion of the output would generally be undesirable. The spatial limitation of displaying within the webpage necessitates the inclusion of these (w,h) input values. The virtual 3d space has no such limitation, besides any requirement for scaling and proportioning may be achieved subsequently with Objects2/ScaleUVW node.
Still working on the interface.

I understand that you are at beta stage and the interface considerations are far from fixed (and you have likely had the same thought) , but the inclusion on the node of inputs for angle and iterations would give greater dynamic control of output.

I also know that there is no scaling factor per generation included in the js code of the online tool, but if this facility was possible it would push the capabilities into a realm beyond; opening up a new world of possibility....worthy of consideration!

Again, thank you for your hard work with this. I can't wait to get my hands on it.
Keep up the good work,

EDITED: 26 Mar 2022 by JFH