Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.26 In reply to 9581.25 

If you enjoyed contributing the "Spiral" node and are scouting out a new task to sink your teeth into, please have a look at the attached files.

They are the scripting for "SubdivClassic" script, which performs CatmullClark or Planar subdivision of planar polysurfaces. If you are not familiar with the script, here is the original thread posting:
(Note that the attached files are more uptodate than those in the thread post)

This functionality would be a supremely useful addition to NE toolbox because the faceting of surfaces provides the underpinnings of a panelling system. That is to say, that each subdivided facet (particularly if constrained to quads) services as a target surface for populating with a unit panel with use of "Flow" node.

No doubt the transposing of a standard UI element such as Spiral tool into a node, is more straightforward, but let me know if this is something you could do.
I would be greatly appreciative of anything that extends the functionality of NE. I feel that my efforts to promote MoI as a viable parametric solution on instagram may be undermined by my starting to repeat myself.


EDITED: 9 Aug 2020 by JFH
