Node Wish List

 From:  bemfarmer
9581.227 In reply to 9581.221 
Note, I edited the post on PVector, because it works differently from Vector3d.
It almost works in the opposite way, which caused much confusion.
If object types do not match, javascript shows an error.
The way a class is programmed determines the way it works.
Other programmers have written vector classes, and complex number classes, with instance methods, and static methods, which behave very differently from what other programmers have written. I am not aware of any standard.

So I have been doing my own complex number class, cPlex, adapting the available conflicting code.
It has to be ES5 compatible as well, to be compatible with the javascript used by MoI4.
(A complex number class is very similar to a vector2d class.)
(mathJS has the needed functions, but is extremely complicated, ES11(+/-), BigInt, etc.
Then I can finish my script.

- Brian

Mixing real numbers with complex numbers makes it even more complicated.

EDITED: 12 Jan 2021 by BEMFARMER