Node Wish List

 From:  bemfarmer
9581.216 In reply to 9581.215 
Here is an updated LerpVectorMacro, which can be placed in the Macro folder, along with LerpMacro.
Also is the node program using the two macros, lerpVectorTest2 node.
2X "scale" bug still present.

The LerpVectorMacro contains 3 copies of the LerpMacro.

- Brian

To save a macro, (for example LerpMacro), export LerpMacro from the canvas to a folder, naming it LerpMacro.nod.
Then copy the file LerpMacro.nod to the nodeeditor macros folder, for future re-use.
Similarly for LerpVectorMacro.nod, or any other Macro.

EDITED: 19 Aug 2020 by BEMFARMER