Node Wish List

 From:  bemfarmer
9581.215 In reply to 9581.213 
Draft of a Lerp macro for number values.

Partial draft of a LerpVector node for v1 = (x1, y1, z1), v2 = (x2, y2, z2).
It uses pairs x1 and x2 for a and b inputs to one of three copies of the Lerp macro. Similarly for y1, y2 and z1, z2.
The three X, Y, Z outputs are the resulting interpolated vector.
The c input is the interpolation factor, == t, normally from [0 to 1]. Use slider widget?
So a vector could have its X, Y, Z split out...? (For v1 and v2)


- Brian

The javascript code of the existing vector nodes, versus the pointarray datatype are nearly incomprehensible for myself :-)
I went back to some of the old posts by Max and Karsten, about the pointarray data structure, and its 10 elements,
and wrote up some documentation, but still do not understand a lot...

With a slider input to c, the node works, but there seems to be a scale factor of 2, somehow.

See next post for two macros and node.

EDITED: 19 Aug 2020 by BEMFARMER