Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
subObjs Node

The proposed node would be built on Karsten's "Objects2/NameSubObjs" node which allows for the manual selection of faces within a BRep or polysurface. It would operate in a similar way, however after clicking a face, it's index would appear in the info panel. As well there would be with the additional facility of selecting faces by inputting a number or string of numbers into index connector or typing into index field in info panel.

At the moment, "Construct/Extrude" does not work with subObj faces, so it would also need to be updated. Perhaps tapering & extrude direction could also form part of such an update.

After the face is extruded, the new face should remain selected/highlighted so that further operations may be performed, eg an extrude with taper or perhaps an inset.

This would be a major shift in NE, of working with BReps intact rather than needing to break them apart to perform operations before then joining together again. It would mirror more closely how MoI3d is used manually.

Any thoughts?


PS On further thought, maybe there could be a pulldown menu in info panel to select subObj types: Faces / Edges / Vertices : See updated image above.

This could be one indispensable node!

EDITED: 8 Aug 2020 by JFH
