Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
Image Sampler Node.

This node would have an input for a ptArray and an Output of a numArray.
The info panel would have a field for entering the url of image to import.

The point array input may be a regular grid or an offset grid for greater control;
the number of points in the array determining the length of the numArray output.
At each point the greyscale value would be sampled and output as a numArray
between 0,255 (8bit)

These values could be reconfigured to fall within any range with “reRange” node,
and could then be the "radius" input for "circle" node, (like shown) or the "index"
input for the "setStyle" node for colorising.
Alternatively, the image may be a bump map and the numArray be z values of a
terrain surface loft.

In terms of how to approach such a task, I would say that the existing heightMap
& rasterImage scripts by Max would be a good starting point.


EDITED: 18 Dec 2023 by JFH