Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.194 In reply to 9581.193 


Although the decluttering of the node interface makes it more user-friendly, I think you may have pushed it too far.

It would be advantageous to dynamically set gravity (as the principle force).
The other material behaviours would in most cases only be set at the outset, so it is appropriate to have their adjustments made on the info panel.

A numerical value could be input for EndFrame, which could serve both as setting the maximum number of frames in the animation, while only outputting the geometry defined by the final frame. The user could start with a high number, and then dial it back to the frame they want to output.

Also I see in Max's code that wind is treated as a vector, so there would be interface advantage in inputting as a vector, as then a single input gives direction & magnitude. I imagine, in most cases wind would not be utilised, anyway.

This is just my 2 cents,
You are doing a fabulous job.


Updated: I removed net width & height inputs from node because they are, of course, already inherent within the pointArray input.

PS. the inclusion of XY , X , Y , P pulldown menu is great, & although a small thing, should more appropriately be labelled UV , U , V , Pts

EDITED: 21 Jun 2020 by JFH
