Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.19 In reply to 9581.18 

>> Could you provide more information on the error you are getting with the negative values? <<

I'm not getting an error message, however the spiral disappears for any "Turns" value less than 0.01 or negative. This is logical for the MoI3d UI but less so for NE particularly with multiprocessing applications.

Have a look at the attached .nod file. It might better explain my meaning from earlier suggestion of improvement to spiral node. Firstly, dial through the GREEN knob from min-max.

In the upper example the spiral disappears when the knob for "Turns" input is dialled below 0.01, whereas the lower example works throughout the range from -5to5 with the addition of a rather clumsy workaround.

It is perhaps not that straightforward, but if you look at the math & compare nodes on the lower example. I was suggesting incorporating analogous code into the Spiral node and removing any reference to "Reverse" from the info panel or the node itself for that matter. Which is to say, that the negative or positive property of the "turns" value, alone, would designate the direction of twist.

Thank you for all your your effort

EDITED: 25 Nov 2019 by JFH
