Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.186 In reply to 9581.182 

The cloth node is fantastic.......and mesmerising to watch.

"Only spheres are in the original code.
Will be testing other geometry types".

Although no doubt, working with other shapes would be usualful, I think your time would be better spent with the inputting of anchor points. This facility is included within Max's cloth script.

Anchoring points makes it possible to generate tent structure by setting gravity to a negative number:

I wonder if it would be easier to define, if instead of a rectangle input as you now have, it worked with a point array input (ie with MathsPoints or Points node input) In this way, the cloth point density is externally defined and anchor points selected with idSelect node.

Anyway, I know that this is no easy task, & what you done is just brilliant, I am just think about how this functionality may be integrated into the node ecosystem for procedural modelling.

Great work

EDITED: 14 Jun 2020 by JFH
