Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
Hi All,

I have already alluded to this here: but in terms of implementation, rather than the generalised approach it may be better to have a purpose built "Reaction Diffusion" node.

React-Diffusion node

I am proposing a node that operates analogous to online app by @pmneila

For our purposes the output would only need to be black and white, which hopefully would reduce the complexity of the coding. The proposed node would, similarly to Wayne's imgSampler convert greyscale to heightmaps, however instead of importing an image, it would be generated via an algorithm (grayscott) within the node.

Since this algorithms produce an evolving animated image there is a need to pause evolution at a desirable point so I have included an input for 1 to play & 0 to pause. There may be a more elegant solution of the inclusion of menu option in the info panel, or perhaps ideally a button on the node, itself.

I'm not sure if this is even possible without the addition of external js libraries. (I note that in the code for the online app link above that it imports three.js)

EDITED: 24 May 2020 by JFH
