Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
BranchStructure node

The proposed node would generate venation patterns from seed points branching out to leaf points (attractors) using the "space colonization" algorithm.

Daniel Shiffman has done a coding challenge that serves as a good introduction to the method:

Another good resource is Jason Webb's "Modeling organic branching structures with the space colonization algorithm and JavaScript" :

He demonstrates the difference between "Open versus closed venation" which is an option I have include in the info panel. The other option I have included is 2D vs 3D. 3D would work similarly, however with branches attracted to leaf points in 3d space, making possible the generation of natural forms such as tree, coral etc. This may be something that is left for later development.


EDITED: 1 May 2020 by JFH
