Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.16 In reply to 9581.14 

Thank you so much for your spiral node contribution.
It works perfectly....& multi-processing too!
Great Work.

>> Waiting to see some nodeology art with this new node... <<

I have uploaded a new pattern transition Animation to instagram
utilising your new node:

Thanks again,


PS If I could be so bold as to suggest an improvement, it would be
to remove the "Reverse" checkbox and instead allow negative "Turns" inputs,
with line of code asking something like:
"if turns < 0, then reverse = true, else reverse =false:
turns = abs(turns);"

In this way transitions can go from spiralling in one direction to the other.

A problem that arises with a number of nodes when dialling from a negative number to a positive number (or vice versa) is that a zero input will not be accepted and so an extra line of code would be useful:
"if turns == 0, then turns = 0.001;"

Unfortunately I'm not a coder, so obviously I am not stating that these are 2 lines of javascript, but rather, only their intent.

EDITED: 24 Nov 2019 by JFH