Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
ExtractPts2 Node or delCorners Node

This node would be an advancement on (and replacement of) existing "ExtractPts" node.
"ExtractPts2" node would differ from it's predecessor in that it would be multi-processing and
have a pointArray output as well as, or even instead of a point Objects output.
In this way, the output may be connected to "curves" node or "Polyline" node and function analogous to "delCorners" script or "subD/convertCurveToPoly" node respectively.

"delCorners" script, which was originally written by Michael, but developed further by Max, would be the obvious starting point. It may be found on his site:

This may seem like an insignificant change to an existing node, but it would in fact be of great significance to the power of NE.

Have a great weekend.

PS delCorners Node would simply be an analogue of delCorners script: smoothing sharped corners of a polyline.

EDITED: 21 Mar 2020 by JFH
