Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
There has be some recent discussion regarding chamfering in NE: , so it would seem opportune to propose a new node:

Chamfer Node

The proposed node is analogous to Chamfer UI tool. Michael has outlined the chamfer factory inputs here:

The node would be input with a polyline and output with Chamfers applied.
The "ptSel" input would operate similarly to "Mask"input on Logic/Split node, so that alternate points are selected by inputting 1,0 or 0,1. Entering 1 would select all points.

Moreover, the "ptSel" input could be any combination of 1s & 0s, as that in the example of a 5 pointed star, may be a string of 10 comma separated numbers of any order (eg 1,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0)

"Dist1" and "Dist2" are the chamfer ends offsets from point. Of course, in many instances "Dist1" and "Dist2" will have the same input.

Have a great weekend


EDITED: 3 Feb 2020 by JFH
