Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.136 In reply to 9581.134 

Just to be clear, my post for proposal of "geoPack" node, was just a proposal, not the contribution of a new node. That would be the task of someone more skilled in coding than I.

But to answer your question: the node for controlling min & max radii would be ArrayExt/reRange node (as it happens, this is one of the few nodes that I have actually contributed).

However to achieve a result similar to the images shown, with equi-spaced holes of various sizes, you would simply link you close-packed circle pattern to construct2/offset & apply the desired offset to each circle.


PS The screen looks great BTW.
What is this building? In Sydney? it's OK i found it

EDITED: 30 Jan 2020 by JFH