Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.130 In reply to 9581.129 

>> Could you please provide that N.E. package also for the V3? <<

I've always believed that NE was the same for both v3 & v4,
but if it doesn't work for you with v3, then perhaps not.

I have not used v3 for at least a couple of years,
& sorry, do not have a v3 version of NE to upload.


.>> Have you a web site different than Instagram because access is limited when visitor has no Instagram account! <<

Yes, I have a website: ,however doesn't show any examples of nodeEditor experimentation. As far as limitation on Instagram, IFAIK you don't need to be registered to view post. I only started using it because the swiping of multiple images seemed like a good way of showing node circuitry, which tend to extend horizontally.


.>> Circle Packing <<

Yes I will add this as a node proposal. I first need to contemplate how it might best be implemented.


EDITED: 27 Jan 2020 by JFH