Node Wish List

 From:  mkdm
9581.127 In reply to 9581.122 
Hello James!

I write here a reply for your latest post on the "Current NODE EDITOR folder", because I don't know where I can write my thanks to you :)

@You: "...I will replace as new revisions are made to node editor and
as new extension nodes are added, so that the most
current NE folder can always be found here..."

THIS IS A HUGE SUPER USEFUL SERVICE for the whole community here!!!

Thanks a lot!

Keep on doing this very good behavior :)

You know that this, is one of my most wanted "good behavior" in this community :)


I've lost my actual latest version of the working N.E for the "old" version of Moi (v3)
Could you please provide that N.E. package also for the V3?

Thanks a lot again.


- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio