Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.10 In reply to 9581.9 

>> It's the grouping for these nodes that give a simulation of a Delaunay function
or the Delaunay node is a new function node itself ? <<

The proposed new node is the one titled "Delaunay" in my earlier post.
The other nodes only show how the point input may be generated.

As I understand it, the Delaunay triangulation is a precursor to generation of voronoi
diagram and hence should be solvable. However unlike the voronoi points that are
restrained to 2D plane, Delaunay triangulation would ideally operate on points in 3d space.
Hopefully this would not make the task much more onerous.


EDITED: 17 Nov 2019 by JFH