Bravlin - artisan brushes

 From:  Michael Gibson
9291.2 In reply to 9291.1 
Hi Bravlin, you posted this in the node editor thread, I have moved it into it's own thread here since it's not related to the node editor.

> The CAD approach weak spot is scultp and organic shapes.
> Does anyone tried to create artisan brushes to apply smooth, relax, pinch, bulb etc deformers ?

It's quite difficult to make CAD geometry work with these kinds of tools because an individual NURBS surface has a restricted type of topology, it is only defined by a regular M x N grid of points. So it isn't possible to add just one single additional point to a NURBS surface you have to add an entire row or column of points not just a single isolated point.

So because of this it becomes unwieldy to try and sculpt with NURBS surfaces. Polygon modeling does not have this type of topology restriction so localized refinement works with polygon modeling.

That's why CAD programs do not have that type of sculpting like approach, if you want to make an organic model with localized organic detail a polygon modeling program particularly one with an emphasis on brush stroke displacements like ZBrush or 3D-Coat is a better tool for that type of modeling.

Working by sculpting surface control points except in simple cases is just not a part of the regular CAD approach to modeling.

- Michael