Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  r2d3
New Camera nod..

Now setCameraAndTarget is working again in V4 i desided to play with the camera nod ... the original is not working like expected and i changed it a little.

Now its camera2 and it can circle around objects, render picts and even make a video out of them...

For Mac:
to enable video you need ffmpeg in /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg put this path in the encoder field
in the FilePath field write something like /users/ralfnaumann/Documents/CAD/camera/

You will find the camera2 nod in attached r2d3.js -> put this to the extension folder (there are also some other nods inside - but not all are working perfect...)

As example to use the camera2 you can open camera1.nod

looking for moments of inspiration...