Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.719 In reply to 7777.718 
Hello James,

what a surprise. I didn't planed to use the node in this way. It is pure coincidence, because no names are stored in the node and no names are given to the input. Typically it should be used in combination with the brepNameSubObj. So the node stores pre-selected names and filters it while running. I think there are different possible ways to solve it. You have already shown a way. Nevertheless it would be great when Max would integrate it in the next release of his extract node.
Brep - option on RMB and a filter/switch for edges and faces.

Have a nice day

p.s.: Geometrical world trip: Welcome to Bruxelles:-)

EDITED: 5 Nov 2017 by KMRQUS