Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.71 In reply to 7777.70 
Hello Al,

If I get you right, you want to extract geometry from a nodes output e.g. a face or a edge to use it as an input for a e.g. sweep. I thought about it already and I think it is possible.
>>>>>Moreover I am absolutely of the opinion that range to maintain the links with
other reactions should necessarily have two inputs
Start and End domain ...
Here I didn't get you, please explain your idea in more detail.

At the moment I try to make getCrvSFrame and Sweep multiprocess ready. I also made an update/addition to the point node - If you preselect points of a given geometry and create now the point node you have all coordinates evaluated in it. e.g.: Switch on the controlpoints of a surface, select them --> copy/paste and let them selected - go to the node editor and create a new point node, you will have a independent copy of them inside the node. I don't know what it is good for, but I'm sure that someone will have an idea for that;-)

Have a nice weekend

p.s.: I'm not an expert Motto: I'm glad I'm crazy, it keeps me trying! -Iggy Pop-