Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.705 In reply to 7777.702 
Hi Barry,

<<By starting with a solid its possible to scale it in the w direction by just adding the scale node.>>

Alternatively apply extrude node to tile prior to inputing. However, either way there is an issue with the W dimension/Extrude not being normal to the surface across the totality of a compound surface.

The only way to achieve this at the moment with NE as is, is with offset node to base surface to mFlow 2 layers of tiles, then loft between them. (see below)

Ideally, the goal would be some form of panelling tools like Rhino's or Dynamo's.
If Michael does implement "cage editing" then NE could do the rest: populating inner and outer point meshes. That would be a dream come true!

Hi Alberto,

<<rather than following the Method driven by Karsten, they could coexist inside of the same Folder both old tools and new ones , perhaps renaming Js new files->>

If I understand you correctly, I think this may be a little unwieldily.

Given that there is just a handful of us, I think it would be better if we all just bite the bullet, & all be using the most updated version. After-all,Moi V4 is just around the corner, and so NE v1 will soon follow, which will invariably include change that will not be compatible with earlier .nod files.

Any past work that offers utility will, no doubt, be resurrected

EDITED: 5 Nov 2017 by JFH