Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.604 In reply to 7777.603 
Hi AL!

I have a problem with all the nodes that you have posted lately.

None of them work with the latest 0.97.... version of NE.

Every time I load one of your node file, the "Run" button of NE is always disabled.

Instead if, for example, I create a new node or load one of the latest Max's node (Macro.nod for example) all works fine.

Please check this screencapture, it is relative to the node you posted at

Maybe I'm missing something...

This is the content of my "C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0\ui\nodeeditor.v.0.97.2017.10.05\nodes\extensions"
and "C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0\ui\nodeeditor.v.0.97.2017.10.05\nodes\extensions\libs" folders

And this is the code I have into index.html file of NE :

loadScripts('core','lang, compatibility, colors, geometry, main, editor');
loadScripts('nodes','macros, basic, logic, points, curves, solids, construct, transform, objects, interface');
loadScripts('core','init, ext.*');

Could you help me ?



- Marco (mkdm)