Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.596 In reply to 7777.592 
Hello James,

it will take a while until the node will work. At the moment I have some bugs and I'm not a programmer. JavaScript isn't easy to debug. I have to find a solution for fast convergence and a good criterium for equilibrium. Sometimes the algorythm blows the mesh into space. A display after every step won't work, but I don't know why - it would help to understand what's going on - and would be an eye catcher. I don't want to ask the experts, because they have better things to do (v4, Elephants, additional interfaces ...). What to give to the output and which format is also not definded - at the end we want to do something with the result.

So - the winter comes here and that will help to focus to such things.

Have a nice day