Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.585 In reply to 7777.584 
Hello MindSet,

The pattern will inherently tile seamlessly regardless of orientation.
The only alteration to surfConvert macro necessary was to make polyline not closed.
At present this cannot be switched dynamically, otherwise I would build it into the macro.

See attached "randomWrapPlane.nod" file. I have shown 2 repeats of a 10x12 matrix, but you may change
to any combination.

RMB click of "Random" then select "Update" to refresh random pattern generation
to get desired result.

Have a great weekend

UPDATE: Mobius Wrap added: "randomWrapMobius.nod"

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH
