Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Barry-H
7777.442 In reply to 7777.441 
Hi Karsten,
thanks for the watch node it will be useful when checking maths function outputs.
I can not run your animation not sure if it's the version of node editor I'm running or not ?
The thing I am looking for is a sequence type event ie: object 'A' moves then object 'B' etc
So basically 'A' at some point in it's move cycle will trigger 'B' to start and so on.
The thing that got my interest was the Bottle Feed Screw. I animated it in Blender using the
time line but could not do a Variable Pitch Screw that way so I used the node editor with the
quartz node and it worked great.
I'm off on holiday with a copy of Javascript for Dummies so you may hear from me again.