Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  bemfarmer
7777.373 In reply to 7777.372 
Hi Barry
Could you please post the parameters for a Variable Pitch Helix?
If yours is of "proprietary importance," some alternate parameter would be OK.
It would be nice to have similar numbers to work from.

I think that the equation for the Variable Pitch Helix, related to pitch, will need to be reproduced in some form by a math node,
to get the variable x displacement, based upon pitch, for the bottle movement in that zone.

I'll have to puzzle on it later tonight, due to work :-)

Also I am not sure which nodes are available, and of use.
Some sort of If Then Else node might help? (To determine which zone the bottle is in?)
Looks like there is a compare node, under logic.

- Brian

EDITED: 29 May 2017 by BEMFARMER