Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Barry-H
7777.372 In reply to 7777.371 
Hi Brian,
I'm using the maths you supplied with the variable pitch helix script.
I.e, the z axis and that works great.
For the constant pitch that was based on distance and number of coils
Or degrees of revolution.
I'm trying to have a slider or quartz widget that is the the full movement
but at various points it toggles to next profile maths function.
As an example say 20cm constant next 60 cm variable and finally 20cm constant.
Being able to toggle between profile functions allows different permutations.
I could do it with different sliders but that's not the goal.
It maybe that given the complete helix profile that a maths function could be
tailored for it but that's to much for my old brain.