Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.235 In reply to 7777.234 
Hello Pilou,

>>>>Yep excellent animation : like with origami paper in reality!
The animation is made with MoI and the nodeeditor:-) The camera node makes single pictures with MoI's render function for each quartz node step. After that, you have e.g. 500 pngs. Then ffmpeg or mencoder and the video is finished. Unfinished: automatic start of ffmpeg and choosing the output directory for the single pictures. But for a quick animation it's okay. When I solved this problems, I will post it. (Maybe it is better to post the problem;-)

Hello Al,

please explain, which vector math functions we need - add, substract, cross_product, scale, scalar product, coordinate transformation, rotate by axis and how would they be used to solve that problem?
Great Job!

A nice day to all

p.s.: Sorry that the video is not working for you - I use Linux for scripting (here it works), but as Pilou mentioned, VLC should do it.