Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.173 In reply to 7777.172 
Hello James,

looks really great. I think about the multiLoft node, but it is not so elegant to handle like pointarrays, because the additional informations in pointarrays be absend here. So we need an additional input to give them externally. In detail we need to split the objectlist members (curves) in separate groups to loft them. It depends on the workflow of creation which information are given. So we can split the objectlist by a value of curves for every loft or the amount of lofts. So we can evaluate a value from a pointarray xlength/zlength, manually or something else. Complicated, if you want to process numarrays for that, if you want individual numbers of curves for each loft. What is your idea about creating the loft curves? I don't think that the multiprocess mechanism in mFlowObj is needed for that node - maybe the short+ mode can do that, but I'm not Max.

Have a nice day