Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1695 In reply to 7777.1692 

Thank you for your kind remarks.

I'm not aware of "gumroad", but sometime down the track I may look at making an instructional video, but for now it would be better if you could let me know what result you are trying to achieve and I'll see if I can do a step by step annotated screenshot series to walk you through the process.
If you have a look at my instagram:
most of the post show the node wiring for generating the geometry of posted image (3D form or 2D pattern). I know that these would be bewildering to a novice but once you get your head around the process they will start to make sense.

Also as Pilou says, look at his "Elephant Repository: to see how individual nodes operate.

Anyway, start with something simple & I'll see if I can talk you through it...
& then if you are still keen, we can tackle something more complex.
Post an image of something akin to what you want to do.


EDITED: 17 May 2020 by JFH