Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
It was trivial but the node ExtractPts is not in the classic Elephant but in the "extention" :

So we can take now any object(s)! :)
And any sort of gaps but by external tricks (Excel or similar spreadsheet)
...wished of course an internal one...but that is better than nothing! :)

Allways not found the generic "Box" if existing ???
so use here a selected before drawn one!

Extraire = ExtractPts
Bouge = Move, Sélectionné = Selected,
Objets = Objects, Vers = Out, Sortie = OutPut

next will be the "internal" random gap...without Excel...
...and of course random size of the boxes!

EDITED: 29 Jul 2019 by PILOU