Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1564 In reply to 7777.1562 
Pilou, Brian et al,

Ideally clone should be abandoned altogether. It is an impediment to workflow and incidentally responsible for excessive redundant node wiring. However, it seems we may be stuck with it until Michael delivers us with instancing (v5?).

Following is an excerpt from an earlier post ( ) :

>>Also as I understand it, Javi Agenjo imposed a limitation on nodes
that they can receive only single inputs, but may have unlimited
multiple outputs. However in node editor, nodes with object outputs
are further limited to single outputs necessitating the "clone" node.

This limitation caused by MoI's geometry database architecture. We can't use same objects with multiple nodes. So let's wait until MoI V4 beta. I hope it will support instances.

>>However it would be better to deprecate the "clone" node altogether,
and introduce unlimited multiple outputs to object out nodes as well.
Is this something that is even possible?
It possible, but it can cause significant slowdown. Anyway I'll think about it.

Brian, >> A test mod was done, by mindlessly adding and duplicating a few lines, without full understanding of all the code, and seemed to work. <<

if it was possible to resurrect this node, it would go some way towards reducing the unnecessary bottleneck.
Fingers crossed,