Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  bemfarmer
For simple curve nodes such as Line, Circle, Star, Polygon, Curve/Interpcurve, ..., wired to an Output node, what color will the curve be drawn in?

If the Output node has "--" set for Style color, the color drawn will be the Style color currently in effect for MoI:
a. when the curve output is Wired to said Output node. And Run.
b. when the curve output is Rewired to said Output node.
c. when the node program is re-Loaded and Run.

If the Output node has a Style color set in it's Info box, that will be the color drawn, at Run, or during Run, over-riding a previously wired MoI Style color.
In the current session, Switching the Output node Style color set in it's Info box back to "--", reverts to the MoI Style color previously in effect, (even if MoI Style was changed, and there was no rewire.) (The previous wired color is "remembered" for the current MoI nodeeditor session.)

- Brian