Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1360 In reply to 7777.1359 
Hi anto,
It may be helpful if you are able to post your .nod program, so that someone proficient may see the areas of concern.

I have not seen much activity in the nodeeditor arena the past few months, what with vacations, the season, and other interests.
But Max did make some much appreciated improvements, a short time ago!

The Objects/ Get-by-style node enables the entry of a .3dm file that is already in MoI, into nodeeditor, by color-style. Set the objects color-style to a unique color,
then open the .nod with the node.
There is also Objects/ Get-by-name.

I do not know how to script, or if it is possible to script, importing and exporting in a node. (???)

Sub-object naming node?

- Brian