Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.135 In reply to 7777.134 
Hi bemfarmer and thanks a lot for the suggestion!!

I mean definitely something very close to a special version of Array3D script translated into a node,
with the opportunity to include into every single math formula, a reference to the fields of the PointArray structure.

For example, this could be an hypothetical math formula applied to "X" values of each array element : "(sin(ptY) * AngleX)"

Where "ptY" and "AngleX" are special names that refer to "ptx" and "AngleX" field of the PointArray structure.

The node I'd like to try to write should include also the opportunity to use additional input fields like the "Basic->Math" node.

Thanks and have a nice day.

P.S. A little correction : Unlike the "Array3D" script, this new node, probably named "ArrayMathTrasformations",
will not generate an array of pointArray, but simply, given 1 input pointArray it will returns 1 transformed pointArray as output.

- Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 14 Nov 2016 by MKDM