Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
I want to break the silence arround @'y'@ and want to share my last experiments. Some of the nodes are unfinished, some have bugs, but I think we need a disscusion about the names of the nodes, a usefull menu structure and some functionallity. So I want to make a suggestion to make the nodeeditor more interactive and give access to created geometry. In the subDiv branch all nodes give an direct and fully named output, so later nodes can be refer to the geometry, after all, the ApplyButton erases all this temporary Objects from the database and only the pipelined data will be there. I don't know - are there other solutions - Is it usefull? Nevertheless there are some new drafts - based on Max ideas I made a f(x) node with stolen code (His idea was far-reaching - with unique input!) Anyway, till his next release I have this one! SPoint - takes the coordinates from a preselected point. Flow ... An subDiv node - simple wrapped Max brilliant subDiv-Script and some other things.

Have a lot of fun
and a nice day!


p.s.: Is there someone who also have some new nodes?