Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1124 In reply to 7777.1123 
Good Morning Alberto,

>> a pretty original Dome I would say .... <<

Yes, your architectonic reworking of my distorted field was a delight to wake up to. Great work.

However, the distribution of isoCurves around point of repulsion would, in my original, give a less elegant curvature... in fact, plugging the remapped array into z input of pointExt results in a plateaued form which accords with the isoCurves. It is not as pleasing as your form, but allows the localisation manipulation.(ie ZONE widget) see below:

Rather than upload revised .nod file here, I replaced the one attached to my earlier post:
It can be switched between 2d & 3d with red switch node.

To make it bulge in a hemispherical form will require some added formula applied to the x and y as well as the z components. Nevertheless at this stage my interest is more, in having the 2D field distorted at multiple points (ie 2 or more points of repulsion). I don't know if that was clear in my last post. (or this one for that matter) This video will clarify:

>> Remap macro , will be very useful <<
Yes, so useful in fact, that I believe, it should be part of the core toolkit: ie a node, or even better an option of an enhanced ReMap node that include this, as well as remapping of points as exists in Karsten's node and ideally remapping of surfaces (retopologizing).

Anyway, thank you for your inspirational work.
I look forward, as always, to your next creation

EDITED: 25 Jun 2018 by JFH
