Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1051 In reply to 7777.1 
Hi Karsten,

I have attempted to create a node based on RemoveDuplicates script.
however without success. Below is my attempt:

// RemoveDup
function RemoveDup()

RemoveDup.title = "RemoveDup";
RemoveDup.desc = "RemoveDup";

RemoveDup.prototype.onExecute = function()
var inObj = this.getInputData(0, moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList());
var output = moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList();
if ( inObj.length> 0 ) output = factory ('removeduplicates', inObj);
this.setOutputData(0, output);

LiteGraph.registerNodeType("Objects2/RemoveDup", RemoveDup);

Now, only if this would be a welcome distraction for you,
I would appreciate if you could steer me right.

I have so missed your contributions to NE in your long absence.
I know you have a lot on your plate, so if this is something that
you can't turn your mind towards right now, then no worries.

Hope you're well
