Combining shapes when drawings, but separating for CNC machining . . .

 From:  Michael Gibson
5825.2 In reply to 5825.1 
Hi Alligator, I guess it kind of depends on how you're going to cut it... If your going to be making each side as a kind of separate slab that all fit together it might be good to model the object to be made up of those slabs with one separate slab solid object piece per side, maybe all carved out from some common starting block so you know that they are connecting properly but as separate solids that are just sitting next to each other.

You can then select one object at a time and use File > Export to write out just that selected object to a new file.

If getting a non-solid surface is ok for your CAM software you could use Edit > Separate to break apart a single solid into surface pieces and then export each of those separately too...

- Michael