I've assumed that the slope at the leading edge point would be zero, which the "control points curve" or "through points interpcurve" do not seem to accomplish.
Played around with creating multiple points on the leading edge radius, with array curve, and using them for "control points curve" or "through points interpcurve".
Blue = through points using the extra points.
Black = current method, control points starting at tangent point.
Red = control points starting with the extra radius array points.
Need to LEARN how to calculate MidPoint of a line, given the two endpoints, which should be easy.
There is already a MoI script, "DoArcCenter". Mainly need to LEARN how to substitute existing points, for PointPicker
There already exists a MoI script, "DoIntersect", just need LEARN how to substitute the two arcs for ObjectPicker list, somehow, which a good programmer could do easily. :-)