hi barry,
looks like you nailed the position and everything. the only problem i see is that when i do a 2 rail sweep using your airfoils they have more definition than the ones i made. so the surface comes out on the heavy side. not sure how you are ending up with more control points than me. even mine come out a little weird too. mine has something to do with the projection. once i do the projection the curves are no longer defined the same. but there's nothing i can do about it. on yours, they come out with even more points than mine. but it seems like you worked out all the bugs.
just as a reminder on features, can you also do the same thing without them being projected to cylinders? so the airfoils would be in the same place as you have now. that would be a useful option.
also, many posts up there was a list of various profiles that would be useful to have. lastly, if at all possible to automate adding in the dimensions using max's dimension script until michael gets his own dimensions going. in the test file i have the dimensions so you can see where they would go. mine are laid out in a bit of a mess. rhino doesn't have a way to move them that i know of. so if you don't arrange them right you have to do them over. so i just left them all messy.
but even what you got now would still be a huge time saver. it takes a really long time to get to the point you have automated. so you have saved a lot of work for people.
thanks a lot for doing this.