Anyone wish to develop a custom script?

 From:  Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
hi karsten,

ok. so there were some rhino issues with my first attempt at the a400m blade. I left the links up to the file and video. However, I attached a new model and video to this message. The model seems to be accurate now. The video goes over the model. The only thing I see is that the sweep measurements are based off the te in this case. basically the sweep measurement is bouncing from various places. some models it would be the le, some the span, and some the te. this happened with the 10th anniversary update. I basically have to choose if I want the model to bounce around or the sweep measurement to bounce around. I thought it was better to keep the model from bouncing and hadn't realized the affect on the sweep measurement until now. the sweep seems fine it is just how the measurement is done that is changing. so it's probably something I should mention in the documentation. I don't think any changes to the code are needed right now. it is pretty confusing though.


EDITED: 17 Feb 2019 by PROP_DESIGN