Hi Anthony,
thanks for the file I can see the construction method better now. Based on that I can see it's possible to calculate the angles the airfoil profile needs to be rotated to be square to the circle (cylinder) for projecting onto the cylinder or I would suggest using Isect tool with a half circle and the airfoil profile.
I did a quick test using the node editor with the intersection node and that worked but it produces a surface and I need to be able to extract the edges from it and not sure how that is done at the moment. I have posted the problem on the forum and hopefully someone more able than me with the node editor will supply the answer.
It would be helpful if I could have the point file for the model you posted so I can do the maths for the rotations.
My thinking is that the Circle the rotation of the airfoil profile about origin and rotation (2 directions) of airfoil about it's own datum can be calculated to then Isect to give the desired profile that is the rotated back for the production of the blade.