Anyone wish to develop a custom script?

 From:  Unknown user
hey brian,

i wanted to give you a heads up that there will be one last change to the prop_design_geo file (and prop_design). i scoured the ntrs site and found several definitions for the naca 65a009. i evaluated them all. i also evaluated the pdas codes. i found one particular set of data from naca that meets all the criteria. moreover:

- the geomtery data document is that which is referenced by the performance data document
- you can fit a through point curve through all the points
- the leading edge can be defined the way burrman and steve desired. however, it is also defined as a circle by naca. both definitions for
the leading edge are now in complete agreement.
- the joined curves can be swept to make a blade without any lumps

the definition that seems to be the right one can be found in naca document:

1951, NACA RM L51I12; Milton D Humphreys, Pressure pulsations on rigid airfoils at transonic speeds

the performance data is in naca document:

1957, NACA RM L57F05; Charles L Ladson, Two-dimensional airfoil characteristics of four NACA 6A series airfoils...

the best historical references as to how the ordinates were obtained is in the following two documents:

1931, NACA Report 411; Theodore Theodorsen, Theory of wing sections of arbitrary shape

1945, NACA Report 824; Ira H Abbott, Summary of airfoil data

however, no one actually shows how they calculated the points specifically. this was done in a time before computers and calculators. so we are talking slide rules and charts. the math is intense. it would take a huge effort to duplicate the work. thus i am using the ordinates as they are shown.

please give me a day or two at the most, to get you a complete update. this will include an updated screencast.



Edit; what was PROP_DESIGN_GEO is now PROP_DESIGN_XYZ. PROP_DESIGN_XYZ is a part of the download available on my website. The latest MoI example screencast can be found on my YouTube page. Here are the links: