No, sorry. However, if anyone knows enough about marine propellers, it should be a pretty easy code update. I don't know anything about them, but I think you would need to use a hydrofoil model rather than an airfoil model, account for cavitation, chord distribution options appropriate for marine propellers, and use water properties rather than an atmospheric model. Other than that, PROP_DESIGN probably would work for marine propellers. But you would need to consult with an expert or be an expert in that area to know for sure.
I have a version of PROP_DESIGN, that I haven't released, that you can enter any fluid properties. So that part is already done. I looked into hydrofoil properties at one time, but not having any experience with that, I didn't pursue it too much. If that is something you know a lot about, the two of us should be able to get the update done.
I only have expertise with aircraft propellers. Which is why I haven't adapted PROP_DESIGN for helicopters either. I could adapt it to wind turbines but have no desire to. Just not into wind turbines. I have been interested in propellers since college. Studied them for years and then took jobs in that industry to learn more. So a lot of man hours went into PROP_DESIGN. I am not the kind of person to just code something I don't know anything about.
PROP_DESIGN is open source though. I released it as public domain software. So you could do anything you like with it. No need for my permission or anything. My hope is people will develop it more and make it even better. I wanted to give students something better than I had to go through to learn about propellers. I accomplished that. However, as far as software goes, PROP_DESIGN could use the love/development attention of many types of engineers (marine, aerospace, structural, software).